AP Chemistry:
Kalani High School
WARNING:now entering AP Chem:procede with extreme caution
I know what you are thinking:
I must be crazy I'm in ..

AP Chem!
We, the webpage masters are not inclined to disagree with you
But there is hope yet!

despite what the course implies Ms Kato is really a very nice person and a great teacher. So dont be afraid to go ask her for help. In fact you should be begging her for help, and beg loud now cause we can see the line forming already! Really, we won't lie to you AP Chem is a difficult class that requires alot of work and time commitment (most of the time anyway, I'm sure you are the exception though.. you will breeze right through the class won't you?? *seethes with jealousy*.. anyway!) The whole point of this page (yes it DOES have one) is to provide some very minimal assistance to your studying in AP chem, for instance the outline notes of chapters and practice
equations. Fun stuff like that. (are you buying this yet??) which is available at home for those of you with online capabilities and hopefully make the basics a little easier to access. ( and no, we didn't get extra credit for this, if that is what you are thinking, we are genuinely trying to do this out of the goodness of our hearts...really!..*helps Ms Kato ready the tortu- I mean chemistry assignments*)

The Sky is falling! The sky is falling!! Close, but no cigar! What you see there isn't pieces of the sky falling but the billions and billions of notes you need to have for this class. Now you must understand, the notes do you only so much good if you miss the lecture that goes with them. but if you did (tsk tsk.. we know falling asleep is tempting, but think of your poor GPA) then they will at least help you figure out a little of what was missed or if you were a little forgetful and left your notes in the locker, or if you are bored and thought you'd look up chem notes (wierdo!)... In any case here they are.. bon apateite!

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